Recover America Action


We aim to inspire pastors and faith leaders to get involved in promoting Biblical values in the civil arena.

  • November 22, 2021

    “It’s Time to Say Enough is Enough! The Time for the Church to Recover Our School Boards is Now!”

    For the past decade America has been at war with China. The perplexing question is why most of our leaders did not seem to understand this. We were told that trading with a Communist dictatorship would show the virtues of capitalism, lifting the Chinese people out of poverty and eventually convincing China to join the family of Western free societies. Instead, China lured our manufacturing away with cheap and often slave labor providing huge profits, all the while covertly stealing our patents and intellectual property, advancing artificial intelligence, and building advanced military capabilities including hypersonic nuclear weapons. Then one day, America awoke to a threat unlike any we have ever faced.

  • October 15, 2021

    “Christians… The Time to Stand is Now!”

    America is in deep trouble. The COVID-19 Pandemic was real, but whether or not our Government reacted appropriately will be for the historians to decide. One thing is certain, allowing the government to do determine that gathering for worship was not essential while going to liquor stores and Walmart was, has had a devasting impact on our country. 

    The 2020 Elections, conducted during the pandemic, left those who were watching, with legitimate concerns about the integrity of the results. There is growing consensus that voting irregularities occurred, raising much concern about future elections. Gratefully, many citizens are investing time and talent to make sure that such irregularities cease.