Recover America Action


We aim to inspire pastors and faith leaders to get involved in promoting Biblical values in the civil arena.

  • May 23, 2024

    God Taught


    Earlier this year, pistol-packing pastor Troy Jackson, a former strategist for the Republican Party of Texas and current candidate for vice chair of the Texas GOP, beamed as he welcomed a dozen conservative activists into a flag-adorned meeting room at New Beginnings Church in Bedford. The attendees included the founder of Citizens Defending Freedom, a Tarrant County GOP official, the founder of the local John Birch Society, and a representative from the far-right group Turning Point USA. They were gathering as the Remnant Alliance, a coalition of Christian nationalist groups working to educate, train, and mobilize conservative Christian congregations to influence the outcomes of local elections — especially school boards.

    “Even if I don’t have kids in school, I’m showing up at school board meetings and testifying that you’re not going to teach our children this smut,” Jackson told the group. “You’re not going to sexualize these children, because, even though I may not have children in the school, it affects the entire community.”

    Jackson’s heated rhetoric echoes the talking points deployed by state-level Republican lawmakers, big-dollar political action committees (PACs), and well-connected Republican consulting firms that have descended upon local school board races in recent years — and helped install majorities that have taken books off library shelves and rolled back protections for LGBTQ+ students.

    Click here to read more.

  • April 1, 2024

    Proclaiming Easter ‘Trans Day of Visibility’ Is About Something Far More Sinister Than Politics

    By Bonchie –

    On Good Friday, while most Christians were honoring the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross, the White House had other ideas. As Redstate reported, a declaration was put out by the Biden administration in which the president proclaimed that March 31st, 2024, Easter Sunday, would be “transgender day of visibility.”

    Naturally, just to rub salt in the wound, the header of the statement included a picture of a bunny instead of any symbolism that could be connected to the most sacred day of the year for Christians. Why would Biden’s handlers go out of their way to pretend that some “day of visibility” made up by a mentally ill man 15 years ago holds the same significance as Easter?

    Most speculated that it was yet another move by the president to shore up his base. That’s possible given he’s seen significant slippage among key demographics over the past year. That’s largely due to his decision to only partially throw Israel under the bus in its war with Hamas.

    Click here to read more.

  • March 17, 2024

    Faith and flag: How the Left used ‘Christian Nationalism’ to undermine traditional values

    By Breccan F. Thies – Washington Examiner

    The term “Christian Nationalism” has been used by the Left as a means of dismissing social conservatives who believe in the role of religion — or Judeo-Christian values — in everyday American life. In this series, Faith and Flag, the Washington Examiner will analyze what it actually means to be a ‘Christian Nationalist,’ why the term is maligned and misunderstood, and what role, if any, it might play in a future Trump administration. Part one looks at what Christian nationalism is.

    As the phrase “Christian nationalism” has weaved its way into political discourse, the Left has used it to paint a caricature of a dogmatic Republican voter base focused on stripping rights from Americans.

    The 2024 election cycle has featured a left-wing focus on the phrase as Democrats raise the specter of a second Trump administration running roughshod over the secular liberal order that has become, according to conservatives, decidedly anti-family, anti-American, and un-Christian.

    Click here to read more.

  • June 5, 2023

    LA Dodgers’ Pitcher Is Not a Fan of Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence

  • April 16, 2023

    Dr. Steven Forrest Hotze Reprimands Sexually Violent Democrat Senator José Menéndez for Underage Transgender Mutilation and LGBTQ+ Takeover

  • February 3, 2023

    Baptist Pastor Defends ‘Biblical Sexuality’ Pledge Against Backlash